Selected Tracks

A short curation of tracks from recent projects including Austrian wildlife documentaries Sanfte Berge: Das Alpenvorland, and Wildes Innsbruck from award winning director Patrick Centurioni. He and his talented, delightful team were a joy to work with.

Also included are a collection of demo tracks for BBC series Dodger from equally kind and talented writer / directors Rhys Thomas & Lucy Montgomery.

Stringed instruments include Irish bouzouki and Ronroco

Romantic Comedy Library

An extensive range of light cues from 10 years of romantic comedy scores. For a high quality downloadable copy for your temp score needs please click here

Volume I: Drama + Romance

A collection of more dialogue / transition friendly pieces

Volume II: Funny + Espionage

Music written to support comedic action and dialogue.

Volume III: Montage

Upbeat tracks designed to serve as ‘Music Only Sound’